What equipment is needed for a Well Read Fred class?
Your student will need the following:
* Headphones/earbuds with mic ability
* Internet
* Required novels
What is Edomodo?
Edomodo is our chosen classroom portal for 2019-2020 school year. It is widely used with other educational institutions throughout the world and student privacy is a priority. Edomodo provides Office suite to students for free through our class portal, allowing them to complete assignments in Word, Excel and even Powerpoint (for those presentation days)!
What is Zoom?
Zoom is an online, secure class/meeting portal. It is free for you to use and takes privacy very seriously. Only those registered in the class can enter the live, online classroom. Every live class will be recorded and posted to our classroom portal.
Who has access to my student's information?
Great question! I take security and privacy of our students very seriously and chose Edmodo for it's security measures as well as it's abilities. As the parent, you will receive your own invite code so that you can see your student's progress, grades, attendance, etc.
Do you cover grammar?
Yes! As students turn in assignments, I assess what grammar needs and mechanical usage problems come up and review those skills and also I cover what grammar needs to be taught for the age group. Well Read Fred Writing classes are really ELA classes with a strong focus on writing. We hit many more standards than just writing, making WRF classes well-rounded in English-Language Arts.
What curriculum must I purchase?
No specific curriculum is needed as I provide the assignments/curriculum through our classroom website. Novels are used as a backdrop to all of our learning and must be purchased on your own, borrowed through the library or through your charter school ordering process. You can follow the Amazon links to the books needed for Fall 2019 on the 2019 Fall Schedule page.
What if we know we'll miss a week or two of the live classes?
No problem! Each week's live class is recorded and posted in the "Resources" section of the website. Should a student miss a class or two due to a family trip, illness, or a conflict in schedule, they can catch up through watching the recording! If an assignment needs to be delayed, I can work with you to get that turned in at a different time. I will work with each student that communicates their help in getting caught up and on track from absences.
Do you provide grades?
Yes but here's my thought on them. They are a snapshot of the work/output done in our weekly class. You, as the homeschool teacher, working with your student daily, will know best on where they fall on a grading scale based on how well they apply the writing rules to their everyday writing. So, please take the grade given as one that informs. You are welcome to adjust the grade as you see fit based on any work done outside of Well Read Fred classes or based on anything else you see fit. You are the teacher and I see myself as an assistant to come alongside and teach writing skills to help boost morale, perspective shift on how a student sees this subject and to help strengthen writing skills. If a student who enters my class not liking writing but leaves it enjoying it a bit more (or even a lot more), I'm elated! That is a necessary perspective shift and that can't be contained in a grade.
Why do your courses include short stories and literature books for the upper grades?
Great question! Reading and writing go hand in hand and when one reads good writing, one has good examples to draw from when it's their turn to write. Through the use of "Short Story of the Month" and novel reading as well as information articles, speeches and poetry, we gain comprehension skills, visually see good examples of strong writing, and can use the reading as a catalyst to respond via writing analytical responses. Writing can't occur in a vacuum; it is important that we weave reading and writing together to build skills in each category.
What is my role as a parent with Well Read Fred Writing courses?
As a homeschooling veteran, I recognize and respect your role as the lead teacher and educational authority with your student. I meet with them once a week and engage with them over a handful of writing assignments, whereas, you are their primary teacher for all the subjects.
With that, you are a part of this course too! I'd ask parents to:
1) Please keep your students on schedule with turning in assigned work. This is key coming from the home front; from the one who sets the students academic schedule daily.
2) Help your student time manage from week to week so that assignments are completed (especially the ones that aren't graded but necessary, such as reading novel chapters).
3) Communicate with me when their is a problem, struggle or delay in turning in assignments.
4) Check in on your student's account to read the feedback and see the grades; this will help you encourage writing skill strengthening in their daily work by seeing where they might be needing extra practice.
Can I or my student change the assignment given?
In short, no. There is good reason to assign everyone the same topic/assignment. Not to treat students like lemmings but it allows me, the assigner, the chance to see how the student applies the newly taught writing skill in a certain scenario. This also keeps things simple when it comes time to grading.
What if I wish to drop a Well Read Fred Writing course?
No, problem! If you're dissatisfied with a course, please let me know as I'd love to know how I can better accommodate families. You may drop a course up to two weeks in to the semester. After that, no refunds are given.
I just found out about Well Read Fred Writing. Can I join in now?
Students are only accepted through the second week of class. It's too difficult and frustrating for the student to feel like they are "behind" to join any further along in the semester.
Your student will need the following:
* Headphones/earbuds with mic ability
* Internet
* Required novels
What is Edomodo?
Edomodo is our chosen classroom portal for 2019-2020 school year. It is widely used with other educational institutions throughout the world and student privacy is a priority. Edomodo provides Office suite to students for free through our class portal, allowing them to complete assignments in Word, Excel and even Powerpoint (for those presentation days)!
What is Zoom?
Zoom is an online, secure class/meeting portal. It is free for you to use and takes privacy very seriously. Only those registered in the class can enter the live, online classroom. Every live class will be recorded and posted to our classroom portal.
Who has access to my student's information?
Great question! I take security and privacy of our students very seriously and chose Edmodo for it's security measures as well as it's abilities. As the parent, you will receive your own invite code so that you can see your student's progress, grades, attendance, etc.
Do you cover grammar?
Yes! As students turn in assignments, I assess what grammar needs and mechanical usage problems come up and review those skills and also I cover what grammar needs to be taught for the age group. Well Read Fred Writing classes are really ELA classes with a strong focus on writing. We hit many more standards than just writing, making WRF classes well-rounded in English-Language Arts.
What curriculum must I purchase?
No specific curriculum is needed as I provide the assignments/curriculum through our classroom website. Novels are used as a backdrop to all of our learning and must be purchased on your own, borrowed through the library or through your charter school ordering process. You can follow the Amazon links to the books needed for Fall 2019 on the 2019 Fall Schedule page.
What if we know we'll miss a week or two of the live classes?
No problem! Each week's live class is recorded and posted in the "Resources" section of the website. Should a student miss a class or two due to a family trip, illness, or a conflict in schedule, they can catch up through watching the recording! If an assignment needs to be delayed, I can work with you to get that turned in at a different time. I will work with each student that communicates their help in getting caught up and on track from absences.
Do you provide grades?
Yes but here's my thought on them. They are a snapshot of the work/output done in our weekly class. You, as the homeschool teacher, working with your student daily, will know best on where they fall on a grading scale based on how well they apply the writing rules to their everyday writing. So, please take the grade given as one that informs. You are welcome to adjust the grade as you see fit based on any work done outside of Well Read Fred classes or based on anything else you see fit. You are the teacher and I see myself as an assistant to come alongside and teach writing skills to help boost morale, perspective shift on how a student sees this subject and to help strengthen writing skills. If a student who enters my class not liking writing but leaves it enjoying it a bit more (or even a lot more), I'm elated! That is a necessary perspective shift and that can't be contained in a grade.
Why do your courses include short stories and literature books for the upper grades?
Great question! Reading and writing go hand in hand and when one reads good writing, one has good examples to draw from when it's their turn to write. Through the use of "Short Story of the Month" and novel reading as well as information articles, speeches and poetry, we gain comprehension skills, visually see good examples of strong writing, and can use the reading as a catalyst to respond via writing analytical responses. Writing can't occur in a vacuum; it is important that we weave reading and writing together to build skills in each category.
What is my role as a parent with Well Read Fred Writing courses?
As a homeschooling veteran, I recognize and respect your role as the lead teacher and educational authority with your student. I meet with them once a week and engage with them over a handful of writing assignments, whereas, you are their primary teacher for all the subjects.
With that, you are a part of this course too! I'd ask parents to:
1) Please keep your students on schedule with turning in assigned work. This is key coming from the home front; from the one who sets the students academic schedule daily.
2) Help your student time manage from week to week so that assignments are completed (especially the ones that aren't graded but necessary, such as reading novel chapters).
3) Communicate with me when their is a problem, struggle or delay in turning in assignments.
4) Check in on your student's account to read the feedback and see the grades; this will help you encourage writing skill strengthening in their daily work by seeing where they might be needing extra practice.
Can I or my student change the assignment given?
In short, no. There is good reason to assign everyone the same topic/assignment. Not to treat students like lemmings but it allows me, the assigner, the chance to see how the student applies the newly taught writing skill in a certain scenario. This also keeps things simple when it comes time to grading.
What if I wish to drop a Well Read Fred Writing course?
No, problem! If you're dissatisfied with a course, please let me know as I'd love to know how I can better accommodate families. You may drop a course up to two weeks in to the semester. After that, no refunds are given.
I just found out about Well Read Fred Writing. Can I join in now?
Students are only accepted through the second week of class. It's too difficult and frustrating for the student to feel like they are "behind" to join any further along in the semester.