As a homeschooling veteran, I recognize and respect your role as the lead teacher and educational authority with your student. I meet with them once a week and engage with them over a handful of assignments, whereas, you are their primary teacher for all subjects. Because of this, you are a needed part of WRF! Here's how you partner with Well Read Fred year long ELA Classes:
Inspect your child's work each week and check on their progress in Google Classroom.
Be sure your student isn't on other websites or playing a game during live, online class time. Sometimes I can tell when a student is doing this but, for the most part, I can't confirm this from the other side of the screen. Please help your student be focused during our once a week meeting.
Help your student time manage from week to week so that assignments are completed (especially the ones that aren't graded but necessary, such as reading novel chapters).
Communicate with me when there is a problem, struggle, or delay in turning in assignments.
Google Classroom calculates a grade, however, I believe you know your child best. I work with them one hour a week, with limited assignments, while you see their work across all subjects. Please feel free to adjust the grade to include writing outside of Well Read Fred classes as you see fit.